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Detailed Record for Unknown sp.

Common Name: Grapsid crab

Taxonomy: Phylum Arthropoda / Sub Phylum Crustacea / Class Malacostraca / Order Decapoda / Sub Order Pleocyemata / Infra Order Brachyura / Family Grapsidae / Genus Unknown

C-value (pg): 3.02

Method: Feulgen Densitometry

Cell Type: Whole body

Standard Species: Not specified (Various)

Rheinsmith, E.L., R. Hinegardner, and K. Bachmann (1974). Nuclear DNA amounts in Crustacea. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 48B: 343-348.

Other records available for this species:

Unknown sp. = 0.04 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 0.06 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 0.46 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 1.03 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 1.08 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 1.45 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 1.46 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 1.65 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 2.40 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 2.63 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 2.80 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 4.50 (pg)
Unknown sp. = 5.70 (pg)

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