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Detailed Record for Crassostrea gigas

Common Name: Pacific oyster

Taxonomy: Phylum Mollusca / Class Bivalvia / Order Ostreoida / Family Ostreidae / Genus Crassostrea

C-value (pg): 0.65

Method: Flow Cytometry

Cell Type: Muscle cells, Mantle

Standard Species: Gallus domesticus = 1.25pg, Danio rerio = 1.74pg

Zhang, G., X. Fang, X. Guo, L. Li, R. Luo, F. Xu, P. Yang, L. Zhang, X. Wang, H. Qi, Z. Xiong, H. Que, Y. Xie, P.W.H. Holland, J. Paps, Y. Zhu, F. Wu, Y. Chen, J. Wang, C. Peng, J. Meng, L. Yang, J. Liu, B. Wen, N. Zhang, Z. Huang, Q. Zhu, Y. Feng, A. Mou (2012). The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation. Nature 490: 49-54.

Other records available for this species:

Crassostrea gigas = 0.91 (pg)

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