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Detailed Record for Cyprinus carpio carpio

Common Name: Common carp

Taxonomy: Phylum Chordata / Sub Phylum Vertebrata / Super Class Gnathostomata / Class Osteichthyes / Sub Class Actinopterygii / Infra Class Neopterygii / Super Order Teleostei / Order Cypriniformes / Family Cyprinidae / Genus Cyprinus

C-value (pg): 1.75

Method: Feulgen Densitometry

Cell Type: Red blood cells

Standard Species: Not specified

Zan, R., Z. Song, and W. Liu (1986). Studies on karyotypes and nuclear DNA contents of some cyprinoid fishes, with notes on fish polyploids in China In: Indo-Pacific Fish Biology, edited by T. Uyeno, R. Arai, T. Taniuchi and K. Matsuura. Ichthyological Society of Japan, Tokyo. 877-885.

Other records available for this species:

Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.61 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.70 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.70 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.72 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.73 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.74 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.75 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.82 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.82 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.82 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.85 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.87 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.90 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 1.90 (pg)
Cyprinus carpio carpio = 2.03 (pg)

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