Detailed Record for Cebus albifrons
Common Name: Capuchin monkey
Taxonomy: Phylum Chordata / Sub Phylum Vertebrata / Class Mammalia / Sub Class Theria / Infra Class Eutheria / Order Primates / Family Cebidae / Genus Cebus
C-value (pg): 3.98
Chromosome Number (2n): 52
Method: Feulgen Densitometry
Cell Type: Leukocytes
Standard Species: Homo sapiens = 3.50pg
Manfredi Romanini, M.G. (1972). Nuclear DNA content and area of primate lymphocytes as a cytotaxonomical tool. Journal of Human Evolution 1: 23-40.
Pellicciari, C., D. Formenti, C.A. Redi, and M.G. Manfredi Romanini (1982). DNA content variability in primates. Journal of Human Evolution 11: 131-141.
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