Detailed Record for Rattus norvegicus
Common Name: Brown rat
Taxonomy: Phylum Chordata / Sub Phylum Vertebrata / Class Mammalia / Sub Class Theria / Infra Class Eutheria / Order Rodentia / Family Muridae / Genus Rattus
C-value (pg): 2.98
Method: Feulgen Densitometry
Cell Type: Fibroblasts, Tissue Culture
Standard Species: Homo sapiens = 3.50pg
Greilhuber, J., M. Volleth, and J. Loidl (1983). Genome size of man and animals relative to the plant Allium cepa. Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology 25: 554-560.
Other records available for this species:
Rattus norvegicus = 3.05 (pg)Rattus norvegicus = 3.14 (pg)
Rattus norvegicus = 3.27 (pg)
Rattus norvegicus = 3.36 (pg)
Rattus norvegicus = 3.82 (pg)
Rattus norvegicus = 3.90 (pg)
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
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