Detailed Record for Pleurodeles waltl
Common Name: Spanish ribbed newt
Taxonomy: Phylum Chordata / Sub Phylum Vertebrata / Class Amphibia / Order Urodela / Family Salamandridae / Genus Pleurodeles
C-value (pg): 19.73
Method: Feulgen Densitometry
Cell Type: Red blood cells
Standard Species: Rana esculenta = 6.00pg
Olmo, E. (1974). Further data on the genome size in the urodeles. Bollettino di Zoologia 41: 29-33.
Other records available for this species:
Pleurodeles waltl = 14.77 (pg)Pleurodeles waltl = 15.23 (pg)
Pleurodeles waltl = 21.40 (pg)
Pleurodeles waltl = 22.19 (pg)
Pleurodeles waltl = 24.13 (pg)
Pleurodeles waltl = 25.63 (pg)
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
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