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Detailed Record for Unidentified sp.

Common Name: Marine isopod

Taxonomy: Phylum Arthropoda / Sub Phylum Crustacea / Class Malacostraca / Order Isopoda / Family Sphaeromatidae / Genus Unidentified

C-value (pg): 4.21

Method: Flow Cytometry

Cell Type: Whole body

Standard Species: Drosophila melanogaster = 0.18pg, Gallus domesticus = 1.25pg, Oncorhynchus mykiss = 2.60pg

Jeffery, N. W., and T. R. Gregory (2014). Genome size estimates for crustaceans using Feulgen image analysis densitometry of ethanol-preserved tissues. Cytometry Part A 85: 862-868.

Other records available for this species:

Unidentified sp. = 0.19 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 0.26 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 0.37 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 0.66 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 0.67 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 0.68 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 0.69 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 0.90 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 3.95 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 4.18 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 4.19 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 4.24 (pg)
Unidentified sp. = 4.85 (pg)

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